Crossed Wires (Advent of Code Day 3)

Dec 5, 2019 by Kevin Nasto


Given a list of wires that cross (intersect), find the closest intersection point to start of the wire. All wires start at the same point. A wire CANNOT intersect with itself. A wire is defined by a string in a file representing steps. See link for description of PART 2.

You’ll need to get your own input for this challenge from this Advent of Code problem.

Example input:

Line 1:          Line 2 and
  ...........  |  ...........
  ...........  |  .+-----+...
  ...........  |  .|.....|...
  ....+----+.  |  .|..+--X-+.
  ....|....|.  |  .|..|..|.|.
  ....|....|.  |  .|.-X--+.|.
  ....|....|.  |  .|..|....|.
  .........|.  |  .|.......|.
  .o-------+.  |  .o-------+.
  ...........  |  ...........


Other solutions can be found on the LeetCode link above.

def get_char(point, wires):

    if point == ORIGIN:
        return 'o'

    intersections = 0

    for wire in wires:
        if point in wire:
            intersections += 1
        if intersections == 2:
            return 'X'

    if not intersections:
        return '.'
        return '*'

def print_grid(wires):
    y,x = ORIGIN
    x -= SIZE
    y -= SIZE
    for i in range(SIZE*2):
        for j in range(SIZE*2):
            point = (y+i,x+j)
            print(get_char(point, wires), end='')

def get_distance(p, q):
    return abs(p[0] - q[0]) + abs(p[1] - q[1])

def get_wire_points(moves):

    y, x = ORIGIN
    points = []

    for move in moves:
        way = move[0]
        steps = int(move[1:])

        for i in range(steps):

            if way == 'R':
                x += 1
            elif way == 'U':
                y -= 1
            elif way == 'D':
                y += 1
            elif way == 'L':
                x -= 1
                raise Exception(way)


    return points

def get_wires(file_lines):
    wires = []
    for moves in file_lines:
        moves = moves.split(',')
        wire = get_wire_points(moves)
    return wires

def get_exes(wires):
    exes = []
    seen = set()
    for wire in wires:
        for point in set(wire): # Making sure it doesnt intersect with itself
            if point in seen:
    return exes

def find_step(ex, wire):
    for num, point in enumerate(wire, start=1):
        if ex == point:
            return num
    return 0

def find_steps(ex, wires):
    steps = 0
    for wire in wires:
        if ex in wire: # Ineffecient, should use set here
            steps += find_step(ex, wire)
    return steps

ORIGIN = (0,0)
SIZE = 15

with open('input.txt') as fh:
    lines =

wires = get_wires(lines)
exes = get_exes(wires)

print('Part 1')
print(min([get_distance(ex, ORIGIN) for ex in exes]))

print('\nPart 2')
print(min([find_steps(ex, wires) for ex in exes]))