Base-10 to Binary


Write a function to convert any base-10 number to a base-2 (binary) number. The algorithm should follow these steps:

  1. If the input number is even, prepend our output string with 0. Else prepend with 1.
  2. Use floor or integer division (no remainder) to divide the input number by 2.
  3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 until our input is reduced to 0.

For example, given an input 5:

  1. 5 is odd, so our binary representation will start with 1.
  2. 5 / 2 (integer division) is 2.
  3. 2 is even, so our binary representation becomes 01.
  4. 2 / 2 (integer division) is 1.
  5. 1 is odd, so our binary representation becomes 101.
  6. 1 / 2 (integer division) is 0. Output 101.

Stretch Goal: Modify your function to convert a base-10 number to any base 2 through 9. Hint: simply checking whether the input is odd or even is insufficient. What operator can we use in Python to return a 0 or 1 depending on whether the input is even or odd? How would we modify this to support other bases?


def base10_to_binary(n:int) -> str:
    """enter solution here"""


# tests
assert base10_to_binary(1) == '1'
assert base10_to_binary(2) == '10'
assert base10_to_binary(3) == '11'
assert base10_to_binary(int(10e10)) == '1011101001000011101101110100000000000'


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